In 2014 the Institute of Engineering Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch) initiated an international electronic open access journal entitled “Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures”, in brief “DReaM”.
The Institute of Engineering Science, RAS (Ural Branch) was founded in February 1986 as the Ural subsidiary of the Blagonravov Institute of Engineering Science, USSR Academy of Sciences, to become an independent institution in February 1988.
The Institute was parented by such famous scientists as Ac. Vatolin, Ac. Vonsovsky, Ac. Krasovsky, Cor. Mem. Khimich, Ac. Semikhatov, Ac. Frolov and Prof. Makarov, the first director of the Institute.
Since 1994 the Institute had been headed by Prof. E. S. Gorkunov, Academician, a well-known scientist worked in the fields of methods and means for nondestructive testing of materials and engineering products, technical diagnostics of structures and structural members, including when they are in use.