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Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics 
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To submit a paper to the Journal, it is enough to register only one representative of a group of authors. Dear contributors, please read and carefully follow the Paper Submission Procedure and the Editorial Guidelines. This will accelerate reviewing and editing. Should you have any questions - please ask at: dream-journal@mail.ru.

Instruction to the contributors:

  1. The manuscript is to be accompanied by the following documents: Author’s Card, Consent Letter.
  2. After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, a Copyright Transfer Agreement is concluded between the Group of Authors and the Publisher.
  3. The copyright is considered to be transferred to the Publisher once the manuscript has been received by the Editorial Office.
  4. The Editorial Board dispatches the accepted manuscripts to reviewers, arranges editing, the corrections being coordinated with the authors.
  5. The Publisher informs the contributor of the rejected manuscripts.
  6. The matter published in the journal can be used by other mass media only with a written permission of the journal authorities, reference to the Journal being required.


impact factor
RSCI 0.42


MRDMS 2024
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Founder:  Institute of Engineering Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch)
Chief Editor:  S.V. Smirnov
When citing, it is obligatory that you refer to the Journal. Reproduction in electronic or other periodicals without permission of the Editorial Board is prohibited. The materials published in the Journal may be used only for non-profit purposes.
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ISSN 2410-9908 Registration SMI Эл № ФС77-57355 dated March 24, 2014 © IMACH of RAS (UB) 2014-2025, www.imach.uran.ru