V. B. Vykhodets, T. E. Kurennykh
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2016.5.006-014 The paper presents data on the effect of surface oxygen deficiency in nanoparticles on the catalytic properties of oxide nanopowders. Data on the interaction of nanopowders with gaseous hydrogen are the test modeling catalytic properties. Alumina nanopowders synthesized using laser evaporation of a ceramic target dissolve deuterium during their annealing in gaseous deuterium. It is only the surface atomic layer of nanoparticles with very large oxygen deficiency that has the ability to dissolve deuterium. Oxygen deficiency and deuterium solubility are adjustable properties of nanoparticles. They can be changed by annealing nanopowders in oxygen. Stoichiometric alumina virtually does not dissolve deuterium. A technological scheme is proposed for synthesizing oxide nanopowders with controllable surface oxygen deficiency, physical-chemical and functional properties.
Keywords: deuterium, alumina nanopowder, catalytic properties, oxygen nonstoichiometry, nuclear reaction analysis References: 1. Vykhodets V.B., Jarvis E., Kurennykh T.E., Davletshin A.E., Obukhov S.I., Beketov I.V., Samatov O.M., Medvedev A.I. Extreme deviations from stoichiometry in alumina nanopowders. Surface Science, 2014, vol. 630, pp. 182–186. DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2014.08.009.
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Article reference
Vykhodets V. B., Kurennykh T. E. Solubility of Deuterium in Alumina Nanopowders // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2016. - Iss. 5. - P. 6-14. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2016.5.006-014. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/content/article_97.html (accessed: 02/19/2025).