A. O. Panfilov, A. P. Zykova, A. V. Chumaevskii, V. A. Beloborodov, S. Yu. Nikonov, E. A. Kolubaev
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2022.6.035-045 Electron-beam additive manufacturing with a simultaneous feed of two wires is used to produce Cu/Al composites with different contents of Al-12Si aluminum alloy. The obtained specimens are examined by optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis and tested for uniaxial static tension. The introduction of 25 vol% Al-12Si is found to form a fairly homogeneous structure characterized by Cu dendrites and a small volume fraction of Cu9Al4 and Cu4Al intermetallic compounds on the dendritic cell boundaries. The increase of the volume fraction of Al-12Si in the copper alloy to 33 vol% is accompanied by the formation of Cu9Al4, Cu4Al, and Cu3Al intermetallics and an increase in their volume fraction. In the composite with 33 vol% Al-12Si, the Cu9Al4 phase becomes the main one, thus causing brittle fracture of the specimens without plastic deformation. It is shown that, with an increase in the volume fraction of Al-12Si to 30%, ultimate strength increases significantly in the copper alloy (up to 695 MPa) and relative elongation decreases (down to 4%) due to the increasing volume fraction of the brittle CuxAly intermetallic phases. The results of hardness measurements testify that the increase of Al-12Si content in the specimens from 25 to 33 vol% increases their microhardness significantly, namely from 1.38 to 4.35 GPa.
Acknowledgment: The work was supported by the grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of leading scientific schools, No. NSh-1174.2022.4. It was performed under the state assignment for ISPMS SB RAS, project FWRW-2021-0012. Keywords: electron-beam additive manufacturing, Cu/Al composite, intermetallic, microstructure, mechanical properties References:
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- Chumaevskii A.V., Panfilov A.O., Knyazhev E.O., Zykova A.P., Gusarova A.V., Kalashnikov K.N., Vorontsov A.V., Savchenko N.L., Nikonov S.Y., Cheremnov A.M., Rubtsov V.E., Kolubaev E.A. Production of Gradient Intermetallic Layers Based on Aluminum Alloy and Copper by Electron–beam Additive Technology. Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures, 2021, pp. 19–31. DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2021.6.019-031. Available at: https://dream-journal.org/issues/2021-6/2021-6_342.html
Article reference
The Effect of Aluminum Concentration on the Structure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Cu/al Composites Produced by Electron-Beam Additive Manufacturing / A. O. Panfilov, A. P. Zykova, A. V. Chumaevskii, V. A. Beloborodov, S. Yu. Nikonov, E. A. Kolubaev // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2022. - Iss. 6. - P. 35-45. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2022.6.035-045. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/content/article_378.html (accessed: 02/20/2025).