S. V. Gladkovsky , A. I. Potapov, S. V. Lepikhin
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.4.018-028 The resistance of high-strength maraging steel EP679 to plastic deformation σs is studied as dependent on the amount of strain, strain rate and deformation temperature, as well as on heat-treatment conditions. Quantitative evaluation is obtained and regularities are found in the change of σs values depending on the studied factors, with the structural evolution of steel under heating and cooling taken into account. A positive effect of preheating up to 920 °C and subsequent cooling to the test temperature on the decrease in the value of σs during subsequent deformation at temperatures ranging between 20 and 900 °C is shown.
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11. Gladkovsky S.V., Zvigintsev N.V., Kruglov A.A., Doroshkevich T.A., Fazliakhmetov R.S., Yurovskikh V.V. Effect of structural transformations on the mechanical properties and crack resistance of cobalt-free maraging steels. FMM, 1990, iss. 2, pp. 106–113. (In Russian). Keywords: maraging steel, deformation resistance, plastometric tests, structure, phase transformations References: 1. Perkas M.D., Kardonskiy V.M. Vyisokoprochnyie martensitno-stareyuschie stali. - M.: Metallurgiya, 1970. - 224 s.
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Article reference
Gladkovsky S. V., Potapov A. I., Lepikhin S. V. Studying the Deformation Resistance of Ep679 Maraging Steel // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2015. - Iss. 4. - P. 18-28. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.4.018-028. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/content/article_32.html (accessed: 02/19/2025).