A. B. Vandyshev
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2020.4.06-27 Mathematical simulation is used to analyze systematically the results of testing an individual disk-type membrane-catalytic module for producing high-purity hydrogen from methane, with a capacity of about 0.3 m3H2/h, and the design data of a membrane-catalytic reactor based on 32 individual disk-type modules for producing high-purity hydrogen from diesel fuel, with a capacity of 7.45 m3H2/h. The used mathematical model adequately and on a good quantitative level describes the experimental and design data known from the literature. In terms of the used model representations, possible ways of increasing both the capacity of disk-type membrane-catalytic devices and the efficiency of extracting high-purity hydrogen from the original hydrocarbon material are considered.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, membrane-catalytic systems, high purity hydrogen, methane, diesel-fuel oil References:
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Article reference
Vandyshev A. B. A Systematic Analysis of the Parameters of Disk-Type Membrane-Catalytic Devices for Producing High-Purity Hydrogen from Methane and Diesel Fuel // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2020. - Iss. 4. - P. 6-27. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2020.4.06-27. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/content/article_284.html (accessed: 02/19/2025).