V. V. Mishakin, A. V. Gonchar, A. V. Poroshkov, N. V. Semenova
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2020.3.019-028 The 13HFA corrosion- and cold-resistant steel is studied by an ultrasonic method after hydrogen absorption for 96, 192, and 288 hours. Within the framework of classical flaw detection, it was found that the formation of macrodefects occurs only at 288 hours of hydrogen absorption. In the study of the material by the spectral-acoustic method, it was found that, during hydrogen absorption for 96 and 192 hours, the signal spectrum changes. This indicates the formation of microdefects. It is shown that the determination of the damage by the conventional ultrasonic flaw detection method and the use of the spectral-acoustic method for the evaluation of fracture at the microlevel give more complete information on the state of the investigated alloys.
Acknowledgment: The study was performed under the state assignment for IAP RAS, theme No. 0035-2014-0402. Keywords: hydrogen absorption, hydrogen-induced damage, acoustic method, spectral-acoustic method, attenuation References:
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Article reference
Determination of Hydrogen-Induced Damage by An Acoustic Method / V. V. Mishakin, A. V. Gonchar, A. V. Poroshkov, N. V. Semenova // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2020. - Iss. 3. - P. 19-28. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2020.3.019-028. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/content/article_201.html (accessed: 02/20/2025).