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N. B. Pugacheva, T. M. Bykova, E. B. Trushina, I. Yu. Malygina


DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.5.074-085

The microstructure and properties of a welded Co-based wear-resistant coating on the facet of an internal combustion engine valve are investigated. It is shown that the structure of the deposited coating has a eutectic structure and that it is a γ-Co-based solid solution with hardening carbide and silicide phases. The microstructure of the diffusion layer on the coating–substrate boundary is an α-Fe- and γ-Co-based solid solution with carbides and silicides of chromium. In this paper, a method of instrumental microindentation is used to study the micromechanical properties of the deposited coating. High values of microhardness, elastic modulus, and creep increase the ability of the surface layer to resist mechanical action.

Acknowledgments: The research was conducted within the state assignment of FASO Russia, theme No. АААА-А18-118020790145-0 (the materials studied) and UB RAS project No. 18-10-1-40 (development of methods for microindentation and phase X-ray diffraction analysis of different coating zones. The equipment of the Plastometriya collective use center, IES UB RAS, was used.

Keywords: plasma surfacing, coating, microhardness, microstructure, phases, eutectics, indentation


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Article reference

The Structural State and Properties of a Deposited Coating for An Internal Combustion Engine Valve / N. B. Pugacheva, T. M. Bykova, E. B. Trushina, I. Yu. Malygina // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. - 2018. - Iss. 5. - P. 74-85. -
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.5.074-085. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/content/article_186.html
(accessed: 07/27/2024).


impact factor
RSCI 0.42


MRDMS 2024
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Founder:  Institute of Engineering Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch)
Chief Editor:  S.V. Smirnov
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ISSN 2410-9908 Registration SMI Эл № ФС77-57355 dated March 24, 2014 © IMACH of RAS (UB) 2014-2024, www.imach.uran.ru