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I. V. Blinov, M. A. Milyaev, V. V. Popov


DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.6.057-063

Magnetic properties of bilayers based on the Ni–Fe–Mn antiferromagnetic phase are studied, as well as magnetic and magnetoresistive properties of a bottom spin valve (SV) with a Ni–Fe–Mn antiferromagnet as a pinning layer. A technique for the fabrication of bottom spin valves with enhanced thermal stability and improved hysteretic characteristics has been developed. Specimens were made by DC magnetron sputtering and electron-beam evaporation on glass (Corning) and single-crystalline sapphire (1012). For the preparation of bottom SV, the specimens were etched in a PlasmaPro NGP 80 RIE Oxford Instruments reactive ion-plasma etching device. The magnetoresistance of the as-fabricated Al2O3/Ni–Fe–Mn/Co90Fe10(5.5 nm)/Cu(3.6 nm)/Co90Fe10(5.5 nm)/Ta(5 nm) spin valve is DR/Rs = 3.8 %.

Acknowledgments: IMP state assignment "Spin" No.01201463330, with partial support by UB RAS (project No. 15-9-2-44) and RFBR (project No. 16-32-00128)

Keywords: unidirectional anisotropy, spin valve, ordered Ni–Fe–Mn antiferromagnetic phase


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Article reference

Blinov I. V., Milyaev M. A., Popov V. V. Bottom Spin Valve Based on the Ordered Ni–fe–mn Antiferromagnetic Phase // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. - 2017. - Iss. 6. - P. 57-63. -
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.6.057-063. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/content/article_162.html
(accessed: 07/22/2024).


impact factor
RSCI 0.42


MRDMS 2024
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