D. V. Novgorodov , V. G. Rybalko
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2019.6.068-076 The paper studies gas flow lines and underground gas pipelines of compressor stations which are susceptible to damage by stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Factors of a technological and operational nature governing the conditions of SCC evolution in existing gas pipelines are noted. Defects of a long growth period are investigated. It has been found that, during operation, the evolution of defects can stop, but it resumes under the effect of high off-design loads. Crack evolution may be caused by seasonal soil movements, repair work, and other factors causing overloads at the tips of stable cracks. A solution is proposed to increase the reliability of pipeline operation by monitoring the stability of the stress state in individual sections.
Acknowledgment: The work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of FANO of Russia (topic "Diagnostics," № АААА-А18-118020690196-3) Keywords: gas pipeline, stress state, corrosion cracking, cracks, overload, defect evolution, monitoring References: 1. Savonin S.V., Moskalenko A.V., Tyunder A.V., Knyazev S.E., Arsenteva Z.A. Analysis of the major causes of failures that have occurred on main gas pipelines. Neft i Gaz Sibiri, 2015, vol. 4 (21), pp. 112–121. (In Russian). Available at: http://www.gosnadzor.ru/public/annual_reports/ (accessed 28.12.2019). (In Russian).
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Article reference
Novgorodov D. V., Rybalko V. G. Features of the Evolution of Corrosion Cracking in Gas Flow Lines // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2019. - Iss. 6. - P. 68-76. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2019.6.068-076. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2019-6/2019-6_266.html (accessed: 03/07/2025).