V. A. Andreyachshenko
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2019.1.043-054 The influence of severe plastic deformation on hypoeutectic silumin is studied. A positive effect of equal-channel angular pressing with back pressure on the mechanical properties of the AL9 alloy of the Al-Si-Mn-Fe system has been found experimentally. The evolution of the microstructure in the process of deformation is estimated. The effect of short-term intermediate anneals on the microstructure, mechanical properties and ultimate plasticity of the alloy is studied. As a result of additional annealing, significant microstructural changes do not succeed, but the coagulation of excess phases proceeds very intensively, which causes a 20% increase in strength after the second deformation cycle. Fractographic studies demonstrate the presence of coagulated particles on the samples deformed with the use of short-term intermediate anneals. Limiting plasticity also rises to 0.2 as compared to 0.12 for the samples treated with only ECAP-BP.
Keywords: hypoeutectic silumins, AL9, Al-Si-Mn-Fe, equal-channel angular pressing with back pressure References:
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Article reference
Andreyachshenko V. A. Experience of Applying Shot-Term Intermediate Anneals in Back-Pressure Equal-Channel Angular Pressing of Aluminum Alloys // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2019. - Iss. 1. - P. 43-54. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2019.1.043-054. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2019-1/2019-1_205.html (accessed: 03/08/2025).