А. V. Pushin, E. S. Belosludtseva , N. N. Kuranova , V. G. Pushin
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.6.051-058 Ti50Ni25Cu25 alloy ribbons of different thicknesses have been obtained by rapid quenching from the melt by spinning; the structural and phase transformations during synthesis and subsequent thermal treatment are studied. The investigations are performed by X-ray diffraction, analytical transmission and scanning electron microscopy, electron microdiffraction, including in situ, during heating and cooling in an electron microscope. The features of the initial amorphizied structure of the ribbons and the mechanisms of their crystallization during heating are established, as well as the thermokinetic conditions and peculiarities of the formation of ultrafine-grained structure. It has been found that the structural states in the ribbons of both types are significantly different both in the initial amorphizied state and after complete crystallization into B2 austenite under heating, as well as after cooling to room temperature resulting in the B2®B19 thermoelastic martensitic transformation.
Acknowledgment: The work was performed on theme No. АААА-А18-118020190116-6 (Structure) and supported by UB RAS project No. 18-10-2-39 Keywords: rapid quenching from melt, phase transformations, microstructure, amorphization, shape memory effect References: 1. Likhachev V.А., Kuzmin S.L., Kamentseva Z.P. Effect pamyati formy [Shape Memory Effect]. Leningrad, LGU Publ., 1987, 218 p. (In Russian).
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Article reference
Features of Low-Temperature Crystallization of Ti2nicu Amorphized by the Method of Spinning from Melt / А. V. Pushin, E. S. Belosludtseva, N. N. Kuranova, V. G. Pushin // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2018. - Iss. 6. - P. 51-58. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.6.051-058. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2018-6/2018-6_233.html (accessed: 03/07/2025).