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S. V. Doronin, Yu. F. Filippova


DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.6.191-202

An information-computing model for analyzing the damage and survivability of the joint assembly of a beam skeleton of a large parabolic antenna reflector is considered. The joint assembly integrates composite pipes and fittings by means of bolting and glue joints. The information-computing model is described by frames, that is, the structures of the data of the system components and relations between them. The model involves numerical analysis of damage and failure.

Keywords: reflector skeleton, joint assembly, bolted joint, adhesive layer, scenario, damage accumulation, survivability, information model


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Article reference

Doronin S. V., Filippova Yu. F. Modeling of the Multi-Level Process of Damage Accumulation in a Reflector Skeleton with An Inhomogeneous Structure // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. - 2018. - Iss. 6. - P. 191-202. -
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2018.6.191-202. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2018-6/2018-6_177.html
(accessed: 07/03/2024).


impact factor
RSCI 0.42


MRDMS 2024
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Chief Editor:  S.V. Smirnov
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