L. F. Koroleva , M. N. Dobrinskaya, I. S. Kamantsev
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.5.147-157 It is demonstrated that doped nanocrystalline calcium carbonate-phosphate is a biocompatible material that influences actively the osteogenesis bone repair in fractures, strengthening of bone tissues for drug delivery regardless of age. The introduction of doped nanocrystalline calcium carbonate-phosphates into animals increases 5 times the mechanical strength of the bone tissue. The most durable bone may occur when doped silicon, iron and magnesium nanocrystalline calcium carbonate-phosphate is introduced into an animal. The results obtained indicate the possibility of producing bioceramics based on doped nanocrystalline calcium carbonate-phosphates.
Keywords: doped calcium carbonate-phosphate, bone repair, strengthening, drug delivery References:
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Article reference
Koroleva L. F., Dobrinskaya M. N., Kamantsev I. S. Doped Nanocrystalline Calcium Carbonate-Phosphate – a Biomaterial for Bone Repair and Strengtheining by Drug Delivery // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2015. - Iss. 5. - P. 147-157. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.5.147-157. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2015-5/2015-5_40.html (accessed: 02/19/2025).