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A. B. Vandyshev, V. A. Kulikov


DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.3.109-121

The main design and technological parameters of a membrane reformer with a production rate of 40 m3H2/h, including its static flow rate characteristic, are quantitatively estimated on the basis of a mathematical model of membrane extraction of highly pure hydrogen from hydrocarbon steam conversion products. It is shown that the calculation results are in good agreement with the data found in the literature on testing a membrane reformer designed for producing highly pure hydrogen from natural gas.

Keywords: mathematical modelling, technological and design parameters, membrane converter, highly pure hydrogen, natural gas


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13. Vandyshev A.B., Makarov V.M., Muravyev L.L., Tabachnik E.B., Nikishin S.N. Modelling of high-temperature membrane apparatuses for high-purity hydrogen production. Theor Found of Chem Eng, 1996, no. 30, pp. 506–508.



Article reference

Vandyshev A. B., Kulikov V. A. Calculating the Main Parameters of a Membrane Reformer with a Production Rate of 40 M3/h Designed for Producing Highly Pure Hydrogen from Natural Gas // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. - 2015. - Iss. 3. - P. 109-121. -
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.3.109-121. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2015-3/2015-3_31.html
(accessed: 07/03/2024).


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RSCI 0.42


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Founder:  Institute of Engineering Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch)
Chief Editor:  S.V. Smirnov
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ISSN 2410-9908 Registration SMI Эл № ФС77-57355 dated March 24, 2014 © IMACH of RAS (UB) 2014-2024, www.imach.uran.ru