To submit a paper to the Journal, it is enough to register only one representative of a group of authors. Dear contributors, please read and carefully follow the Paper Submission Procedure and the Editorial Guidelines. This will accelerate reviewing and editing. Should you have any questions - please ask at:
Instruction to the contributors:
- The manuscript is to be accompanied by the following documents: Author’s Card, Consent Letter.
- After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, a Copyright Transfer Agreement is concluded between the Group of Authors and the Publisher.
- The copyright is considered to be transferred to the Publisher once the manuscript has been received by the Editorial Office.
- The Editorial Board dispatches the accepted manuscripts to reviewers, arranges editing, the corrections being coordinated with the authors.
- The Publisher informs the contributor of the rejected manuscripts.
- The matter published in the journal can be used by other mass media only with a written permission of the journal authorities, reference to the Journal being required.