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M. Y. Filimonov, N. A. Vaganova


DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2023.4.015-028

Three types of problems related to problems of heat and mass transfer in the soil are considered. The first class of problems deals with the diagnostics of damage of underground pipelines by thermal fields on the soil surface. The second type studies the dynamics of changes in the temperature of a geothermal reservoir depending on the temperature of the water entering this reservoir and the pressure gap between injection and production wells. The third-type problems consider the propagation of non-stationary thermal fields in the soil from operated engineering systems in the permafrost. The main attention is paid to long-term forecasting of the propagation of non-stationary thermal fields in the frozen soil between operating production wells of northern oil and gas fields. In problems of the first two classes, which served as a basis for the development of problems of the third type, water filtration in the soil is considered, and thermal fields propagate in single-phase media. The third-class problems take into account possible phase transitions in the soil when describing non-stationary thermal fields in permafrost soils, leading to Stefan-type problems. Accounting for water migration for the specific third-type problems on the determination of the radius of frozen soil thawing from production wells in northern oil and gas fields does not significantly affect this process since lateral water migration above the groundwater level is minimal. Therefore, only the latent heat of the initial water content is taken into consideration. This paper discusses a mathematical model containing the most significant physical and climatic data affecting the distribution of thermal fields in permafrost rocks and presents the results of numerical calculations.

Acknowledgment: The Uran supercomputer, IMM UB RAS, was used in the numerical calculations.

Keywords: heat and mass transfer, wells, permafrost, computer modelling


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Article reference

Filimonov M. Y., Vaganova N. A. Some Problems of Heat and Mass Transfer During the Operation of Engineering Systems in Multiphase Environments // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. - 2023. - Iss. 4. - P. 15-28. -
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2023.4.015-028. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2023-4/2023-4_398.html
(accessed: 04/01/2025).


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