E. M. Reizmunt , S. V. Doronin , E. V. Moskvichev
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2021.4.050-061 The tasks of information and computational support for the analysis of the survivability and safety of power shells of technical objects are formulated, aimed at studying their properties taking into account damages and abnormal effects. To solve them, algorithms and computational tools have been developed, aimed at analyzing damage and assessing the risk of re-occurrence of accidents at technical objects, modeling the structural and mechanical heterogeneity of welded joints and calculating their crack resistance, parametric modeling of welded joints with defects, analyzing the sensitivity of structures to defects, damages, and off-design effects, and evaluating their survivability and safety. Information support has been developed, which contains a systematic list of factors reducing survivability and safety, the results of experimental studies of the crack resistance of welded joints and the survivability of shells with a developing macrocrack, as well as the accumulated results of solving model and applied problems on analyzing the properties of damaged shell structures, as reference data.
Keywords: shell structures, survivability, safety, information and computational support References:
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Article reference
Reizmunt E. M., Doronin S. V., Moskvichev E. V. Information and Analytical Tools for Assessing the Structural Survivability and Safety of Technological Equipment // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2021. - Iss. 4. - P. 50-61. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2021.4.050-061. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2021-4/2021-4_331.html (accessed: 04/01/2025).