L. G. Korshunov, N. L. Chernenko
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2019.5.048-059 The paper studies the effect of ε (hcp) martensite on the structure and tribological properties of chromium-manganese metastable austenitic steels. The effect of TiC carbide particles on the friction coefficient and wear resistance of Cr–Mn austenitic steels is considered. Structural transformations occurring in the surface layers of the steel in the course of frictional processing are studied via methods of metallography, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy analysis. It has been found that the formation of nanocrystalline hcp martensite in the steels under study decreases considerably their friction coefficient and increases their resistance to adhesive wear in comparison with the cases of the 40Kh25N20 stable austenitic stainless steel and the 12Kh18N9 austenitic stainless steel, the latter being metastable to γ→α martensitic transformation. The presence of 1–4.5 wt % of TiC carbide particles in the structure of the steels increases the friction coefficient of the materials and decreased their wear resistance. The ε phase in chromium-manganese austenitic steels is more capable of strain-induced hardening under friction than the ε phase in iron-manganese alloys. Accumulation of fine TiC particles of in the surface layer of the titanium-alloyed chromium-manganese austenitic steels has been detected.
Acknowledgment: The work was performed under the state assignment on the theme Structure, No. AAAA-A18-118020190116-6, and project 18-10-2-39 of the UB RAS Complex Program; we used the equipment installed at the Testing Center of Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials collective use center affiliated to IMP UB RAS. Keywords: chromium-manganese metastable austenitic steels, friction effect, ε (hcp) martensite References:
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Article reference
Korshunov L. G., Chernenko N. L. Effect of γ→e Martensitic Transformation on the Tribological Properties of Chromium–manganese Austenitic Steels // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2019. - Iss. 5. - P. 48-59. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2019.5.048-059. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2019-5/2019-5_263.html (accessed: 04/01/2025).