M. A. Filippov, M. A. Gervasiev, S. M. Nikiforova, Yu. V. Khudorozhkova , G. N. Plotnikov, S. Kh. Estemirova, V. V. Legchilo
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.1.043-054 The paper studies the effect of quenching in a wide range of temperatures on the quantity
of metastable residual austenite, its stability, hardening and wear resistance in the process of abrasive wear of high-carbon tool steels of the pearlitic and ledeburitic classes – 150KhNML and Kh12MFL. Despite decreasing initial hardness with increasing quenching temperature, the abrasive wear resistance of the steels increases, this being due to a change in the quantity, composition and deformation stability of residual austenite. The increase in the relative wear resistance of both steels with increasing quenching temperature correlates with hardenability determined by measuring the microhardness of the gauge surface after wear. The cold treatment of the Kh12MFL steel after high-temperature quenching additionally enhances its abrasive wear resistance by 25 % due to the formation of 15 % of high-carbon-chromium cryogenic martensite and increases the initial hardness to 60 НRC with the preservation of 20 % of residual metastable austenite and carbides.
Keywords: abrasive wear, hardening, wear resistance, martensite, residual metastable austenite, carbides References:
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Article reference
Controlling the Structure of Wear-Resistant Steels 150khnml and Kh12mfl by High-Temperature Quenching and Cold Treatment / M. A. Filippov, M. A. Gervasiev, S. M. Nikiforova, Yu. V. Khudorozhkova, G. N. Plotnikov, S. Kh. Estemirova, V. V. Legchilo // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2017. - Iss. 1. - P. 43-54. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.1.043-054. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2017-1/2017-1_126.html (accessed: 04/01/2025).