V. I. Voronin, V. L. Arbuzov , V. I. Bobrovskii , S. E. Danilov , K. A. Kozlov, N. V. Proskurnina, V. V. Sagaradze
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.5.080-089 Understanding the mechanisms of radiation-induced phenomena in FCC-materials is of fundamental significance for the development of new austenitic reactor steels. An important role in these phenomena, along with the crystal structure and chemical composition of the matrix, belongs to doping elements and the microstructure of the material. In this paper, peculiarities of competing processes that proceed under fast neutron irradiation in Cr-Ni-Mo steels doped with Ti are studied by means of neutron diffraction. It is demonstrated that, on the one hand, new Ni3Ti g¢-phase particles are formed and, on the other hand, they dissolve to form interstitial Ti atoms. Besides, there is radiation-induced relaxation of microscopic stresses, which, in the case of large neutron fluences, overlaps with additional microstresses resulting from the accumulation of radiation-induced defects. The observed effects agree with the results we obtained for other austenitic steels.
Keywords: austenitic reactor steels, radiation damages, defects, radiation-induced processes, doping, neutron diffraction References:
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Article reference
Peculiarities of Radiation-Induced Processes in the Cr-Ni-Mo Austenitic Steels Studied by Neutron Diffraction / V. I. Voronin, V. L. Arbuzov, V. I. Bobrovskii, S. E. Danilov, K. A. Kozlov, N. V. Proskurnina, V. V. Sagaradze // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. -
2015. - Iss. 5. - P. 80-89. - DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.5.080-089. -
URL: http://eng.dream-journal.org/issues/2015-5/2015-5_46.html (accessed: 03/29/2025).